man pages

Linux man pages, or manual pages are a valuable resource of information for Linux System Adminstration and Linux users. provides man pages for many of the commonly used Linux Administration and user commands. To assist our readers access these man pages conveniently, we have arranged these man pages into groups based on command usage.

File System commands

ls, cp, mv, rm, diff, sdiff, cd, mkdir, rmdir, du, df


Process Management commands

ps, fg, bg,


User Management commands

useradd, groupadd, passwd




Upgrading PHP on CentOS Linux

It is a simple task to upgrade (or install) PHP on Centos. You can either install or upgrade PHP with a single command, as follows: To upgrade PHP...

Linux Foundational Commands

Linux has many commands, but to start working with Linux as a user or new Admin, there are several commands which you will use very regularly. Here...